Thursday, June 27, 2013

Five books I recommend reading if you're interested in internet and affiliate marketing

1. Hit and Run Internet Marketing by Theodore Sullivan

Why I recommend it: This is my book and the reason I created this blog. I truly feel I'm offering something of value here and I think you'll feel the same way. I welcome all comments, questions and criticism you may have after reading it. Let me know what you think and what kind of success you have by following my program.

2. Make Money with Kindle: The Beginner's Guide to Creating & Publishing Best Selling eBooks on Amazon by Liz Marino

Why I recommend it: One of the better choices out there on the subject. This book offer a good overview of the process of creating and publishing on Kindle for beginners. Readers of my book will notice that I do many things differently, but they will still find a lot of valuable information.

3. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity

Why I recommend it: Suggested by a number of people from top entrepreneurs to shock jock Howard Stern. I disagree with a lot of the practices recommended here (such as firing workers to prove a point), but I can understand why it's so popular. There are many good tips about streamlining your work to cut out time wasting and procrastination, even if some weird terms are concocted to describe it all. This book is worth reading if only to see what successful, straightforward management practices look like.

4. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die

Why I recommend it: This book offers a really great overview of the way people relate to campaigns, marketing and ideas in general. Highly recommended for anyone with an interest in the subject or popular psychology in general.

5. War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy

Why I recommend it: Quite simply, it's a classic piece of literature. If you haven't read it, you need to. If you have read it, you should seriously consider revisiting it. You'll be amazed at what Tolstoy was able to do with the written word. This book will leave you with a lot to think about, for years to come.

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